

Sustaining a modern way of life that is compatible with biodiversity and ecological balance.

Sustaining a modern way of life that is compatible with biodiversity and ecological balance.

Sustainability aims to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance, whilst acknowledging the need for civilisation to sustain its modern way of life.
This can only be achieved by balancing different needs at both local and global levels. It refers to our capacity to endure, as well as our commitment to bequeath a green future to our children. Thus, although sustainability involves passion for the future, it is a real concern for today. It is our responsibility to transform our life styles, business practices and governmental policies in ways that respect future generations by recognising and addressing global environmental problems.
This should lead us to work ceaselessly to create new technologies and innovative solutions so as to maintain public support for the holistic changes those new technologies will bring. We all need to agree on a redefinition of what is “modern” whilst reinventing traditional practices.
Technology and innovation should lead a transformation, working towards a greater adoption and enhancement of traditional rather than industrial agriculture.


The three pillars of sustainability re-defined under the theme of Expo 2023 Doha, Qatar:


Economic - invest in innovative agricultural technologies.

Social - establish the connection of people with nature, to raise awareness.

Environmental - transformation of dry, arid land into agricultural areas and forests.


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Expo 2023 Doha